Karelin's house — — Yoshkar-Ola's tourist information center

Yoshkar-Ola's tourist information center

(8362) 42-36-32

This residential building, built in 1840 by the merchant A. Karelin, was popularly calledthe Karelin's chambers. It is the architectural monument, historic building, and local cultural heritage site.

It was built by Abram Karelin, then the house was owned by his son Alexey, by his granddaughter Evpraksinya (married name -Polubarieva), and before the revolution –by his great-grandson Mikhail PetrovichPolubariev. It should be noted that it was a respected merchant dynasty, although not as rich as the Pchelins. However, they did not ignore the needs of the city. Even the merchant’s grandfather took an active part in financing of the construction of Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (1757). In 1886 his grandsonopened the first women's alms-house in the city under this church and contributed to establishment of the female CheremiscenobiticSergiev monastery of the Mother of Good in the very next year. In the 1920s the monastery was closed, its property was requisitioned, and the church was blown up.

In1866-1871it was occupied bythe county hospital with 16 beds. Later, it was the county detention facility. Then the apartments were rented out with the owners living on the ground floor. For some time it accommodated the regional union of Marisoyuzconsumer cooperation. The house was known for the fact that Sergey GrigorievichChavain, theoriginator and classic of Mari literature, lived here. The well-known Mari statesman Ivan PetrovichPetrov, a member of the Revolutionary Committee, the first chairman of the regional executive committee of the Mari Autonomous Region, and Konstantin FyodorovichEgorov, the first Mari professional artist and the first Mari artist, lived in a neighboring apartment.

Address:40 Chernyshevskogo St., Yoshkar-Ola, Mari ElRepublic.


Yoshkar-Ola's tourist information center

г. Йошкар-Ола,
ул. Вознесенская, д. 39